DADS brought down the curtain on 2012 with the hilarious one act play - "The Actor's Nightmare"
which was an entirely new departure. Farce was not something we had tried before but ultimately we found that we have a hitherto undiscovered talent in that direction. In five outings DADS finished second four times and ended the festival run with a
whopping win in Prosperous. Along the way, lead actor Ollie Turner secured three best actor awards and there was tremendous praise from the adjudicators for the other actors in the show. In keeping with our policy of bringing new talent to the stage, The Actor's Nightmare featured another DADS debutant in the hugely talented Louise Burke who was roundly praised for her performances, in particular by adjudicators Tom Byrne in Prosperous and Geoffrey O'Keeffe
in Cavan, both of whom were very impressed with her delivery of the very challenging part based on Samuel Beckett's Winnie from "Happy Days". Regretfully, we just failed to qualify for the All Ireland finals but if this year's performance is anything to go
by, the day of qualification on the one-act circuit is not far off.
George ......................Ollie
Meg...........................Mary Mullins
Ellen..........................Louise Burke
Executioner.................John Knightly
Lighting......................Philip Macdonnell